Minutes of St Laurence’s Parish Forum : 9 January 2014

The meeting began at 8.10pm with Jim O'Sullivan in the chair, Fr Pat 22 parishioners.


None were received.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

These were posted as usual on the website and on the Narthex notice boards.

Matters arising not on the agenda



Joe Tucker, who has been the driving force behind the proposal, told the meeting a little of the background to the decision making process. He said that the comments received were very diverse: including a comment “the wall doesn’t need anything” and he pointed out that there are many other things we don’t actually need.

But that this is one way to make the Church more beautiful. He said that liking a picture or not liking it is like liking a face or a voice and covers a wide spectrum.

He said there were a series of areas that needed to be covered:

The symbolism is expressed in the following ways:
There were 50 responses giving no clear consensus.
Comments from the meeting:

Fr. Pat said that in the end it is his decision. He said there is a problem of no consensus but hoped that there had been a proper consultation. He left the meeting for several minutes while other items were discussed.

On his return he said that sitting in the church looking at the wall and praying on the Psalmist’s theme, “so I gaze on you in the sanctuary”.

He said that the Altar rather than the Tabernacle should be the main focus of the sanctuary area. He said he likes the ideas of “the bread of life” and “seed falling to the ground” which by complete chance is the Gospel reading for St Laurence’s Day when the tapestry can be ready.

He acknowledged that some will be disappointed. He said that the feelings of the artist could not be used as a trade off.

He said that in humility he had decided that the Parish will accept the donation and that the tapestry will be displayed except in Lent and Advent.


North Cambridge Council of Churches meets shortly.


Even with the kitchen installation Fr. Pat thought that the parish should still be within budget for the year.

Finances are done over the calendar year. They are within the rules of the Charity Commission.

All bills have been paid by the end of the year.

Social Life


Buildings and grounds


Mass is back in school.

Fr. Pat led a Teacher’s training day before Christmas.

Diocesan Council of Laity

The meeting in November focussed on the consultation on marriage and the family. The Bishop used the meeting to get to know people

Parish Groups

Facilitation Group update (items not covered elsewhere)


Future Forum Dates